Full Website Editing

Don’t pay a fortune to create a new website or to write brand new web content. We renovate what you already have. This is faster and more cost-effective.

From $800

(depending on the size of your website and the editing package you choose)

Website Copywriting and Editing
Website Copywriting and Editing
Website Copywriting and Editing
Website Copywriting and Editing

Choose one of our four website editing packages below and we will review your website and respond with a price. All packages include renovating or creating your LinkedIn business page copy.

Each subsequent package includes the previous tiers and successive rounds of reviews with a final proofreading stage (for desktop and mobile versions) after the edited copy is live on your website.

Website Copywriting and Editing

Website Editing Packages

  • Basic package to flag spelling and grammatical errors, correct verb tense, and ensure English-style consistency (i.e. Canadian English vs. British English).

  • Corrects punctuation, capitalization, word order, and run-on sentences; vary vocabulary; replace awkward phrasing; trim overwriting; address slang and cliché; uncover inconsistencies; ensure continuity and apply modern English usage; adjust sentence structure and subject-verb agreement; apply parallel structure to lists; reformat numbers (i.e. phone numbers and currency); remedy abbreviation errors; modify typographical emphasis (boldface, italics, and underline).

  • Reorganize sentences, paragraphs, headings, and titles; convert passive language to active; bring sales message “above the fold”; create smoother transitions between paragraphs and sections; establish authority of voice and clarity of message; revise for brevity and impact; alter line spacing; ensure tonal integrity; enhance word choice; convert large copy blocks to bullet points.

  • Fact-checking; rewrite whole sections; apply cultural sensitivity filter; offer new image suggestions; edit testimonials*; flag inappropriate technical terms and industry jargon.

    This package includes a custom brand language style guide for creating new web copy.

    * Requires approval from original authors.

We can also do an audit of your website and recommend a package that’s right for you. We’ll even discount the cost of this audit from the full website edit.