Why grammar bends for writing style

In the English language, there are more exceptions to the rules of grammar than the rules themselves. When you understand this, you can learn to bend those rules to favour style and nuance in your writing.

The truth is that people do not talk in grammatically accurate sentences, and writing for marketing purposes should reflect how people speak. Text chat and online messaging technologies have had an irreversible influence on the forms of modern communication we use for personal and business exchanges.

Form follows function in business communication, and the rules of grammar bend and evolve. It’s always been this way with language. It’s just never been this fast. Technology has enabled so many forms of communication in recent years that we often write in a sub-language. This sub-language is not grammatically accurate when viewed through a conventional lens. Still, it runs into the bloodstream of our daily vocabulary to such an extent that it is part of the core language.

What does this mean? For one thing, we have access to a broader scope of words and terms, word derivatives, neologisms (new words), and coined phrases at our disposal. That’s more paint on the canvas, which makes for a more exciting combination of colours, tones, and hues. Putting all this together can create style and character in our business writing.


Pay attention to how people speak

Listen to conversations in a restaurant, at work, on a train, or anywhere, and pay attention to how people speak. You have a crash course in writing right in front of you. All you have to do is listen, learn, and apply this in your writing. There are limits, of course, but by blending the real language of real people into your vocabulary and understanding of grammar, you can create an authentic style and nuance full of personality.

Bland writing is like bland food: flavourless and indistinct. Bring out all the flavours in your writing by adding the seasoning of everyday speech. When people read what they hear and say, this is instantly attractive because they engage with something familiar. We all relate to what is familiar to us.

Too many organizations write in a style they think makes them look smart but isolates their readership with industry-focused terminology and overly formal writing. Your website and social channels are doors into your home, and your home should invite people inside with warmth and hospitality.

Don’t be an island. Be a bridge and write in a more conversational tone on your website and social channels. Save the big words and formality for contracts and policies.


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