Don’t make your website visitors think 

The average person has about 60,000 individual thoughts daily, most of which are inconsequential things like the colour of someone’s coat or the first three digits on a car license plate. This constant thinking drains energy and makes people tired.

Give your website visitors a welcome break from thinking while on your website—and do the thinking for them. From the get-go, they want to be directed to content that assures them they’re in the right place. So think about the logical flow of information you’re presenting: how and where.

Make buying from you an easy and, yes, even pleasant experience, and people will feel confident they made the right decision to invest time on your website.

High-quality web copy draws readers further into your business by piquing curiosity in how you can solve their problem. By making your copy flow with a varied vocabulary, decisive paragraph breaks and transitions, you’re creating engagement and encouraging action in your favour—without someone second-guessing their decision.

When people are immersed in your copy, they’re not thinking of anything else. Conversely, low-quality copy makes them aware of the effort of thinking and reading, which increases the chances of them thinking about leaving your website. 

Give them every reason to stick around

Keep visitors interested, entertained, and enlightened through your copy, and there is no need for them to question why they’re on your website. After all, you’re giving them everything they need, ushering them to sources of valuable information that deepens their understanding of how you can solve their problem. Why would they want to go anywhere else?

Not everyone will buy the first time they visit your website. But a good user experience creates a positive relationship to place your business front of mind. Keep adding value to that experience, on and off your website, while offering assurances that your professionalism is worth their trust and that their search is over.

Allure them with persuasive language for a sense of urgency and excitement about improving their lives through your business. And when they are ready to act and commit, tell them how to do this. Always tell your visitors how they can buy from you or contact you for any reason whatsoever. They shouldn’t have to search for information or guess what they should do next. Instead, use clear and pointed calls to action that guide them towards the next step in the process. 

By doing this, you reduce the amount of thinking and energy someone has to expend on your website, making it easier for them to stay and take positive action.


A formula that’s guaranteed to convince website visitors to stick around


The reason minor errors in your web copy cost you customers